Friday, July 09, 2010

Live United ... and catch up on your blog!

Okay, I know there are those out there who want to read my blog so I'm going to try and catch you up. I have been sick with a nasty cold for two weeks. Last Saturday, I discovered I had lost my taste buds and my sense of smell. This is not fun. I'm hungry but nothing satisfies me. The other bad part is I don't smell things cooking ... or burning I should say. I was making garlic bread one night last week and Frank started sniffing and I said what's wrong and he said, "I think something is done." Sure enough it wasn't burnt but it was quite crispy. I never smelled it at all. Then you know how you ALwAYS smell milk before drinking it or even giving it to someone else to drink? Uh, yea, that doesn't work either. Like I said, not fun!

So what else have I been up to? I was chosen for two photography assignments. The photo up top is from one of them. Pam Daubert and Ruth Birge (our former TN Publisher) have hired me to shoot the environmental shots promoting the United Way. I have had so much fun doing them.

Two weeks ago I got to shoot the Live United 10K run and two of my photos were used in the monthly newsletter. You can click that if you want to see them.

Then on Thursday, I got to take photos of Jan King, the principal at Glen Marlow. What an awesome lady.

Then we went to a house being built for Tristan and Lilliana in the Three Seeds neighborhood off Oak Grove Road. Such a beautiful mother and daughter. They are both so excited about their new home. That's them in the top photo. Stunning, right?

I also photographed Pat Kennedy the director of Housing Assistance. He was funny and with Pam's help we got the exact shot we both had been hoping for.

I love it when a shoot comes together.

I also learned yesterday that I was chosen to lead the World Wide Photo Walk in downtown Hendersonville this year on July 24 (my daddy's birthday). Now I get to put together a one mile walk and gathering afterwards for up to 50 people who might join me. I think we will start at the Historic Courthouse and walk up and down Main Street. So let me know if you want to come walk with me or just click here to taken to the sign up page. The walk is going to be in the late afternoon so we can avoid the harsh lights of a bright sunny day. There will be prizes involved so sign up today!

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