Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Favorite

Today was Cary Grant today in our home! Amy and I played "lazy" and watched two 1937 movies starring Cary Grant: Topper & The Awful Truth! Both were wonderful! I love his humor ... and he's pretty, too! I think I am in love! LOL! He is definitely my favorite actor of all time. I'm glad he made so many movies because I think I might be upset if I thought I had watched the last one. I like his movies so much I have a timer set up on our new DVR that searches and records all Cary Grant movies ... automatically. Our next one up is Once Upon A Time about a caterpillar that dances. It's pretty good so far.

So, not that many of you answer my questions when I pose them on this blog that everyone insists they read, but for those that do (Amanda) - who is your favorite actor and if you could have a whole day devoted to their movies, would you?


Anonymous said...

Hi there
I do answer your ? if they apply
About movies--most ant good old movies tespecially comedies. There are VERY few recent movies that we want to see once but you knoe all western deserve a look even those that are new have to be wedded out. Looking forward to Saturday
Love you

Anonymous said...

ohh thats easy. i would have to say Lucille Ball.